GeoCash Functionality

How to create a new wallet?

Each new wallet has associated a name and is created from a private key. GeoCash generates a random private key and after that, the user has to encrypt this key with a password. This adds a security layer so nobody can use that private key without the encryption password. After that, the wallet is created and it is displayed the address, the mnemonic and the private key associated to the new wallet.

How many wallets can I have?

There is no limit of wallets, so you can have as many wallets as you want.

How can I obtain GEOs?

The way to obtain GEOs is by sharing your private data. The more data the user shares, the more GEOs he/she will receive.

Can I send GEOs to other users?

It is possible to send GEOs to other users, but to do so, it is necessary to pay the gas fee established in Ethereum. Therefore, you need to have enough ether to pay the fee.

Can I receive GEOs from other users?

You can receive GEOs from other users by sharing your wallet's address. The app, helps you to share the address by depicting it in a QR code.

What happen when I logout?

Logging out only stop sharing your data, so your wallets are not deleted.

Last updated

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